Saturday, February 7, 2015


Here is the third Richard Adams masterpiece I promised. Adams, you will recall, had already written two absolute gems in Watership Down and then Shardik. well I want to tell you, his third Fiction Offering is worthy of the first two in every conceivable way. Plague Dogs is an unforgettable work of literature and a deeply moving story.
The two main characters in this big novel are Rowf - a Big black mongrel, and Snitter -A black and White Fox Terrier. The dogs speak in the king's English (between themselves, and other animals) and we first meet them in a cruel government animal experimental facility.  The dogs have been terribly mistreated and starved. Snitter has had surgeries on his brain and he is the worse of of the two.
The two dogs eventually escape from this facility and go on an amazing adventure against all odds escape the government facility massive dog hunt and meet some wonderful characters along the way. The most memorable is Tod, a talking, singing fox.
This novel is an impassioned statement against animal cruelty written with suspense, hope, and love. This book is a pure delight with the vivid ,beautiful prose that fans of Adam;s work are accustomed to. So many novels we read start out good and then lose steam near the end; this book moves inexorable forward like a battleship to an ending that you will never forget.

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