Sunday, February 8, 2015


Science fiction is now science fact as Microsoft, one of the world's mightiest corporation, is doing absolutely amazing work in the Computer Industry, The Cell Phone Industry, and now they have become the pioneers of the Hologram technology!
Microsoft has always been an amazing corporation but they never fail to amaze me as they are never stagnant and always slugging it out with other super companies such as Apple and Google for their share of the thundering electronics and technology industries sales.
     Microsoft's work in Hologram technology and breathtaking. Right now, on the market, Microsoft has some of the best, most reliable and innovative products on sale. They have the terrific Microsoft Surface 3 Laptop, the Microsoft Surface 7ZR-00001 RT Tablet, The new and totally amazing Microsoft Xbox One, and the Excellent Windows phone, and they continue to produce and improve the most popular operating system in the world, Windows, Microsoft is a behemoth of a company and they tirelessly work towards new innovations in the highly competitive technology sector.

Microsoft is now preparing to unleash technology that we only heard of in sci fi movies and books.
They are melding the digital world with the physical world with hologram technology.
1. New ways to visualize our work.
2.New ways to share ideas
3.Amazing new ways to play games, to teach, to learn.
4. New ways to explore, and collaborate.
5  New and much easier ways to take imagination and turn it into reality.
Hologram technology will revolutionize music, video games. Television, and every type of media. It is simply astounding.
I will be keeping close tabs on Microsoft Hololens as it nears its unveiling to the world.

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